RIHEBC Closes On $5.7 Million Bond to Finance Exeter-West Greenwich Regional School District Facility Improvements
PROVIDENCE, RI – The Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corporation (RIHEBC) has closed on a $5,540,000 bond issue for the renovation, rehabilitation, improvement, furnishing and equipping of school facilities throughout the Exeter-West Greenwich Regional School District.
“RIHEBC was pleased to facilitate this bond transaction to allow the Exeter-West Greenwich Regional School District to upgrade their school facilities,” said Kim Mooers, Executive Director. “The 10-year bonds are rated Aa3 by Moody’s and carry an all-in interest rate of 4.08%. The bonds sold at a premium of $256,719, yielding over $5.7 million for investment in the district’s school facilities needs.”
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Since 1966, the R.I. Health and Educational Building Corporation has provided financing for non-profit health and educational institutions in the state as well as municipalities for school projects. It has issued over $10 billion in tax exempt bonds and is the largest financing agency of the state. rihebc.com – Twitter: @RIHEBC1